When shopping, we only look at the sections "for us" and so women don't realise they're being charged more for the pink versions of male products. The Don't Pay For Pink plug-in scans for cheaper alternatives to what's in your shopping basket so women can save money and boycott the pink tax.
The Pink Tax makes a womens' lives an average of
£1034 more expensive than man's each year.
The Prints
We show just how many people the pink tax effects by creating comparisons of pink tax in a variety of products for different ages and lifestyles.
Even school clothes, which legally cannot be taxed, have the pink tax!
The Web Extension
Downloading our web extension will help you save money and boycott the pink tax when online shopping. It analyses the products in your basket and offers the a cheaper alternative.
Won't Pay For Pink Petition
Every download automatically sends a digital signature to a petition "Won't Pay For Pink".
This petition draws the government's attention to the issue and encourages them to ban the pink tax once and for all.